Social security registration in the Principality of Andorra

When moving to a foreign country, social security is an important issue. Whether you are leaving for work, study or as a retiree, taking out health insurance is essential. What are the health insurance schemes for expatriates in the Principality of Andorra? What are the steps to follow to benefit from a health insurance and with which organization to subscribe? What will be the refund rate for expenses related to health care or in case of hospitalization? What about the medical expenses of our family members? These are some of the issues that may arise before you leave.

The Andorran social security system covers the sickness branch and the old age branch for pensioners. It is based on a particularly centralized system on a single organization which is none other than the CASS or the Andorran Social Security Fund. This simplifies the procedures and makes them more efficient. In addition to its exceptional living environment, Andorra has one of the best health care systems in the world, both for residents and foreigners. 

CASS, the health system in Andorra

The Principality of Andorra is an independent state between the French territory and the Kingdom of Spain. Although not part of the European Union, it has signed a monetary agreement with the EU to use the euro as its official currency. The country's social security system is centralized in a single organization: the CASS or Caixa Andorrana de la Seguretat Social. 

The CASS is an institution founded in 1966 whose main mission is to manage the health system in Andorra. It is the equivalent of the French social security system. It is in charge of the administrative, financial and technical aspects. It operates under the control of the Andorran government. 

The role of CASS

The CASS is responsible for the following tasks: 

  • Formalizing and collecting data related to social security contributions and registration;
  • The inspection and control of different areas of its intervention sector;
  •  The treatment of possible disputes, especially in relation to the collection of amounts due;
  • Summoning debtors and offenders. 

The Andorran Social Security Fund covers illness and old age. It also takes care of everything related to disability, death, maternity, work accidents, etc. It is important to note that each patient has the right to choose a private or public institution. However, refunds for CASS will not be the same for these two types of institutions.

système de santé en Andorre

Health care coverage in Andorra

CASS covers 75% of the cost of medical consultations. Surgeries and hospitalization are covered up to 90%. In the case of treatment, the insured patient must pay the full amount of health expenses and will be refunded a few days later. However, in the case of hospitalization, CASS takes care of the costs directly and leaves the 10% to be paid by the patient. 

Benefits eligible for CASS coverage 

The CASS medical care coverage is intended for the insured person, their dependents, their non-working spouse, their children under 25 years of age who are still studying (18 years of age in the opposite case).

The coverage benefits take into account two types. The first is benefits in kind. They allow for a refund of up to: 

  • 65% for physical therapy, 
  • 90% in case of hospitalization, 
  • 100% for high cost and low income, 
  • 75% of the responsibility rate for ambulatory care. 

The second concerns cash benefits. It is based on daily allowances. The amount covered is calculated on the basis of the total number of days during which the insured person has paid contributions.

Health coverage in Andorra 

In Andorra, almost 90% of the population is covered by a public health system. Those who are not covered by health insurance in Andorra include people with a passive residence. In this case, they will have recourse to a private insurance that insures them all over the world.

Active residence: obligation to register for social security 

To reside in the Principality of Andorra, you must have an Andorran residence, the type of which depends on the reason for your stay. When you register for expatriation in Andorra, you will have to register for social security. This subscription to a social security is indeed the final step of the administrative steps towards an installation in Andorra. 

Life expectancy in Andorra is on average 83.5 years according to the WHO. Its health system is the main reason for this, supported by its environment and geographical location. As is the case in France, insured persons in Andorra have a CASS card that they can present at medical consultations, examinations and in pharmacies. 

To benefit from these provisions, they must pay contributions to the CASS, as employees or company directors. Every active person must pay these contributions. The rate of social security contributions in Andorra is 22% of the gross salary (amount split between the employee and the employer). 

Although the Principality of Andorra is located in Europe, just between France and Spain, this independent state is not covered by the EHIC, the European Health Insurance Card. When traveling to "Andorra", you will need to arrange private medical coverage. This country is not a member of the European Union. However, the EHIC applies only to countries of the European Community.

sécurité sociale

Case of Spain and Andorra

Having signed a social security agreement with Spain, Andorra allows Spanish nationals to take advantage of immediate health care, provided they complete form E/AND-11 before leaving for Andorra. This form covers employees and retirees as well as their family members during a temporary trip to the Principality.

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Sécurité sociale Andorre

Agreement on social security between France and Andorra

If you are subject to the French social security system, other provisions apply. To enable the Andorran social security fund to cover your health expenses, or those of one of your family members, you must complete the SE 130-04 form before leaving France. This organization is effective, regardless of your nationality. This is due to an agreement that the Principality has signed with the French Republic.

For more information, you can contact the Andorran Consulate in France. Certain procedures can also be accessed through the Assurance Maladie online website or ameli. Please note that the rights and procedures may vary depending on each situation. For this reason, it is essential to be accompanied by an expert.

To be assisted by a gestoria for all the administrative steps with the CASS, before, during and after the installation

To complete the forms in correlation with your subscription to a health system in Andorra, take advantage of the support of a Gestoria. We can take care of your file, from your application for Andorran residency to the subscription of your health insurance.

Using the services of our expatriation support firm allows you to take advantage of your rights as an expatriate and to have the guidance you need. Our team will assist and advise you on various aspects: procedures with the relevant authorities and the Consulate, recommendations in case of return to your country of origin, application for a certificate of nationality, etc.

Our team is dedicated to offering personalized services to future Andorran expatriates who wish to register for social security with the CASS. We can even help them find health professionals who can meet their needs.


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