Easily find your doctor in Andorra
It is not uncommon for a doctor to stop taking on new patients. Other health professionals prefer to meet their future patients first before including them in their file. However, an expatriation project implies changing doctors in all cases. How to find a doctor in Andorra?
The system of "Metge referent" or "médecin référent" as in France
The Metge referent is like what we would call a general practitioner in France. In Andorra, he is considered as a health professional that each resident will choose as general practitioner. This doctor will refer them to specialists if necessary. They work to improve the quality of care and ensure optimal medical follow-up. The care will be more personalized.

The choice of the attending physician according to some criteria
Skills and contact are the primary criteria for choosing a physician. But these are elements that can be difficult to identify without knowing the health professional. They must also be able to listen, be available and inspire confidence.
Once you have settled in the Principality of Andorra, you can choose a doctor who is close to your home parish. This can ease your workload and avoid you having to travel far when you are already not feeling well. Geographical proximity is indeed a key consideration.
When choosing a doctor, especially in a new country where you don't know many people, it can be difficult to settle on a doctor. This is perfectly normal since your health and that of your family are at stake. This is a good reason to contact a Gestoria to accompany you in your first steps in Andorra.

French or English speaking doctors in Andorra
Since the official language in Andorra is Catalan, one of our main concerns is not finding a doctor who speaks French. However, you should know that many of them speak French or English. It can indeed be difficult to consult and communicate with a doctor if you don’t understand the language. You will not have to worry about this. A Gestoria can also help you find your English or French speaking family doctor if you do not speak Spanish or Catalan.
As a reminder, to benefit from a residence in Andorra, whether passive (private global insurance) or active (public social security), you must take out health insurance.

To be helped by a Gestoria to move in a new country
It is true that when you move to a new country, it can be difficult to find your way around. The team of a Gestoria can accompany you on a daily basis. It is not only in the search of a general practitioner for your family that they intervene. They can also put you in touch with domestic staff, a nanny or babysitter, a lawyer, etc.
Need a pediatrician to take care of your children? Looking for a specialized doctor (ophthalmologist, dermatologist, cardiologist, etc.)? Trust the support of a Gestoria. They are there to help expatriates find their way around and build up new habits.